Jewellers Academy Podcast Featuring Petra! - (Post)
Are you considering getting a kiln?Have you got one but haven't dared turn it on yet (yes, you - we see you at the back of the room...)?Whether you're a new jewellery maker or want to take your skill ...
Top 10 tools - Podcast with Jewellers Academy - (Post)"If the only tool you have is a hammer, it's hard to eat spaghetti." - David Allen Petra was invited to the Jewellers Academy podcast to talk about her top ten tools for metal clay. The sess ...
Jewellers' Quick Reference Guide To Working With Gemstones - (Post)This fabulous new book by Sally Spencer includes everything you need to know about working with gemstones! The book covers a variety of gemstones and how to work with them. It has a clear f ...
Wanaree Tanner Signature Texture Plates - (Post)Have you checked out the Metamorphosis collection of Wanaree Tanner Signature Texture Plates?There are even some video tutorials for this collection so you can be guided through making an amazing pie ...
Happy Birthday to us.....we're 10 years old!! - (Post)In 10 years we have grown from a small idea born at my kitchen table, to one of the largest metal clay and jewellery making suppliers in the UK. It has been a fabulous journey full of surprises and a ...
What can I make with 7gm of silver clay? - (Post)What can I make with 7gm of silver clay?This is a question we get asked a lot and our response almost always starts with....."it goes further than you think!" We know what it's like to spend a signif ...
£1,450 to charities! - (Post)Thanks to the wonderful delegates at You can make it 2017, and our amazing sponsors, we just paid a whopping £850 to Marie Curie UK and £600 to Women’s Aid UK!We had two charity raffles during YCMI, ...
FAQ - First Time With Art Clay - (Post)Here are some basic things to think of before you get started to help you get the best out of the silver clay.Before you open your packageArt Clay is a water-based clay, so it will dry out ...